Monday, November 28, 2011

Daddy's Little Girl

Kentrell Lockettt is the Senior Defensive End for the University of Mississippi. Kentrell’s final year of playing for the University was a season of defeat and struggle, but through the turmoil, He must focus on moving larger mountains. Kentrell has hopes of getting drafted or pursuing a career in broadcast journalism, but whichever his decision might be; Kentrell must keep his baby girl in mind.

Kentrell Lockett, a beast on the field but a loving father at home, is the father of two years old, Kinsley. Being daddy’s girl, she harbors the techniques of pulling the beauty out of the beast. The 6’2” and 255 pound football player claims he would not have it any other way. “You get the best of both worlds,” He says, “Get to be one way and leave all the frustration on the field, and then you get to come home and be mushy.”

With his wife Leighanne, they work to raise and love Kinsley in an environment any two year old child with love. From life- size Barbie cars to colorful pink and blue blocks, Kinsley has the world at her little feet. Her time with her father is the most valuable. She loves to sing, dance and occasionally play a game of Call of Duty with her daddy. “They’re great together, “says his wife Leighanne.

The excitement of Kinsley’s love for her father makes parenting worthwhile for Kentrell. “Coming home is the best part,” he states. After a long day of practice, Kentrell melts when Kinsley lights up and runs to the door and screams, “Daddy, Daddy ,Daddy.” Kentrell laughs because his wife gets jealous because she does not receive the same treatment. Mocking his wife he says, “I was the only one home all day and I don’t get this type of treatment.” Kentrell then chuckles and states, “What can I say she’s daddy little girl.” To hear more click here

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