Friday, October 14, 2011

Feature Story

Peru is always close to the heart of Alise Darnell, literally. “I wear my necklace of Peru every day, I always want to keep it close to me.”

Alise Darnell is a senior Chi Omega from Jackson, MS. Alise has always had a passion for helping others and spreading the word of God. Alise’s passion for service emerged at a very young age. She grew up as an only child, so she immersed herself into her church’s community.

“It was lonely at times growing up, and I found a lot of comfort in my church and youth groups.” She volunteered frequently, but always wanted to directly help other communities. It was through her church that Alise first heard of the poverty in Peru.

“I remember going to my high school youth group and listening to members talk about the mission work and trip, and I knew it was something I had to participate in.”

For the past seven years, Alise and a group of missionaries have traveled to Peru in order to spread hope and help lives. Alise mainly works in the slums of Pachacutec, which is right outside of Lima. The mission trip is faith based, but the volunteers also help enhance the town. They construct churches and build structures for the natives to use as schools or meeting places. The missionaries also teach the citizens about Christianity. “We have morning prayer walks where we go around to all the houses and knock on the doors. We pray with the families and it is a great way to connect with the community.”

While sharing about her time in Peru, Alise became visibly emotional. “The culture of poverty has widened my perspective on life and shown me what things I take for granted. I have realized all the daily distractions that I think are so important are in fact trivial compared to the situation in Peru. My mission work has strengthened my faith and taught me to realize what is most important in life.”

This coming summer, Alise is going to be one of the mission leaders in Pachacutec. “It is a place where I have grown and find the Lord and I want to make sure this program continues into the future.”

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