A heroic mother finds her calling in life. Judy Trezvant, a 53 year old divorcée and mother of two, fulfills a promise she made to start a food bank in Johnson County named the Raising Hope Food Pantry. Judy lives in Corinth and is a trained registered nurse; she suffered from a bad car accident in 2008 that has kept her from nursing. Although, she does have a part-time job as a receptionist, she spends most of her time running the food bank to serve others. It now serves about 70 area families per week. People come to the food bank to get staples like bread, milk and meat. The food comes from a national program run through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
One of the food bank's recipients, Helen Gibbs, 62, of Harmontown was the first woman interviewed and Mrs. Gibbs had some remarkable comments to say. The retired clerk who comes to the food bank once a week, lives at home with her husband, Jim, who is disabled. When asked what she thought about Judy, she replied, "it's fantastic that Judy does this." It is fantastic that Judy does this when Johnson county is comprised mostly of rural and low income families. The unemployment rate in Johnson County is 10.5%, which is almost two points higher than the national average. The average Social Security benefit for people in Johnson County is $475 per month.
During an interview, when asked, did she think she was a hero, she replied, "I don't think I'm a hero," she feels obligated to run this food bank. Judy explained how God brought her through the hardship of raising her two daughters and she was not giving up. Judy will have to move the location of the food bank. The food bank had been using its present facility at 213 Maple St. in Harmontown rent free, but now the landlord, Main Street Organization, is expanding and needs to use the building. Judy has to move out by the 15th. The community has helped out since Judy started the food bank with bake sales and concerts. One month, The Glendale United Methodist Church youth group collected and donated $400. When asked how long she plans to do this, Judy replied, "Until God takes me home."
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