Kandance Webley
Judy Trezvant, a servant of God in her eyes and hero to her community makes life long impacts in her town. Trezvant, a 53 year old divorced, single mother has single handedly created a food bank named Raising Hope Food Pantry to help provide for families in need of her town. Johnson County in Corinth is mostly composed of rural and low income families. The unemployment rate is 10.5%; a rough two points above the national average and the typical social security check of the elderly is $475 per month. These financial living standards create obstacles for citizens of Johnson County. Task such as purchasing food and providing for a family can be quite a burden, but with the help of Judy’s food bank the pressures are somewhat relieved. 62 year old, Helen Gibbs is a retired clerk who comes to the food bank once a week. She lives at home with her husband who is currently disabled, so times can be difficult for Gibbs. She depends on the food bank to provide her common needs. When asked about the food bank and Judy, Gibbs shy and emotionally replied, “Judy is Fantastic!” She described Judy as a hero and outgoing selfless person. The food bank provides items such as bread, milk and meat. It serves about 70 families per week and is still growing. The community has help contribute to Judy's with food bank by hosting bakes sales and concerts. One month The Glende United Methodist Church Youth group collected and donated $400 dollars to Judy’s cause. Judy’s says her reason for helping her community is for God. She says she will keep providing until God says she it is time to go home. Unfortunately, Judy will soon have to move locations. The present location in Harmontown, Ms is currently rent free, but the company will be expanding so Judy will have to find a new home. She is not worried though. She feels her faith in God will lead her to other opportunities.
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