Thursday, September 22, 2011

Interview with Brian Gee

Brian Gee is a sophomore football player at Cornell University. The theme of the interview was how Brian adjusted from living in the South to living in the North. The interview took place on September 20th over Skype. I recorded the interview and it was done over Skype so the interview was face to face. This allowed him to be more comfortable and made the interview easy to record. Brian’s best quote was “I am glad I came to the North for school, but it was not an easy transition and I deeply miss the South.” It reinstates the theme and shows that unfortunately he has not fully adapted to life in the North.

How did you first react when you arrived in New York?

A: Well I was a bit culture shocked to say the least. I had never been farther North than Virginia and I did not know what to expect. I had lived in Georgia my entire life and was unprepared for the differences of the North. I had never experienced such cold weather in my life. The wind seemed to cut through my multiple layers, and I just remember thinking “What have I gotten myself into?”

What struck you that was so different about the culture?

A: Well the people are very different in the North. In the South, when you walk around town or a campus, the people you see will look you in the eye and say hello. They will take a few moments of their time to talk with you or shoot you a big smile. Up here in New York people walk around with their heads down and act like they do not know you. It was so different than the warm southern hospitality I had come to know and it took me awhile to not take their lack of manners bother me.

Did you find you had common interests with the local students?

A: I have very little in common with the student body as a whole. They grew up in a very urban place. They have their own unique style and taste, which unfortunately differs from mine. I grew up loving country music and the look of a southern girl. Not that there are not beautiful girls here, but it is just a very different look. I have found my place with the football players since many are also out of state. People are just raised differently in the north.

What has helped you adjust the most?

A: I think football has definitely helped me adjust. I have been playing my entire life and I know the game. I know what to do and it is familiar to me. Through football I also found guys that I connected with and bonded with. The team has been my support through it all and I do not think I could have gone so far from home if it was not for football.

Are you happy with your decision to go to school in New York?

A: I am glad I chose to come up to New York for school. If I had not decided to come to Cornell I may have never visited New York. Cornell has a great program for my major and I love playing football. It has been a good experience but once I graduate I will definitely move back to the South. I am glad I came to the North for school, but it was not an easy transition and I deeply miss the South. I have a greater appreciation for the South now and I now value southern hospitality more.

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